Monday, 13 May 2019


Wajir global youth members today led an engaging  event where we distributed food to the orphans and needy in Barwaqo village during this Holy Month of Ramadan, this come after chairlady raised the noble idea, and there was a call for a meeting to which the members responded positively toward the idea, since it was our first time to buy and distribute foodstuff, it was a challenging on but we had fought a never losing battle. 
the foodstuff provided include, rice,sugar, flour and oil since these were the most crucial  and staple food in Wajir county. 

these were the words from the chairman
"Alxamdulillah Today we have finally reached our objective , we had distributed the foodstuff we bought to the families. Our target was ten homestead but due to some deficit we hold on to 9 families. We distributed(@family)8kg rice, 8kg sugar, 5kg floour and 3litre of  oil.....
We really appreciate the group members and our friends especially those who receive this noble idea with open hearts and hands.... 
Our thanks go to the following 
finally since its a season or a month where we need to benefit our body and our soul, we should try as much as we can to ensure we make good us of this month.
thank you and may god bless  you.

Sunday, 24 March 2019



On 10th march 2019  we had a fruitful drug and substance of abuse mentorship  with this year's SABUNLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL candidates and we manage to share the IEC materials which were provided to us by NACADA.
The event which was organized by our able CEO, Abdihafit, was meant to enlighten youth with the negative effect of drug abuse.
from our organization's recent analysis, we come to realize that our youth are joining bad company especially drug addicts at a higher rate and the most affected youth are the school going youths.
" It was a nice day having a debate with students who in turn have share a lot of information about drugs and how they are losing their friends to drugs" Said Adihafit who just concluded the meeting.
Among the  drug that is mostly and widely spreading through wajir county is Marijuana(bhang) and from our own research we come to find out that its readily available and also in the past few years the were no action taken by they relevant authorities and thus the youth got freedom to do whatever they want.
Wajir global youth has been doing alot of youth empowerment  activities in the past three year which has really helped many youth in wajir. in terms of sports ,we manage to held two leagues which is meant to engage youth since an idle mind is an evil mind.

stay tuned , our next school will be unveiled soon.
thanks and have a lovely day.

A succesful donation of mask

 Today we had a successful activity after we had givwn out free mask to the youth who are the key factors in the community, we earlier (read...